Fitness, Realness

Feminist Fitness

I haven't done any running for what feels like forever.  Running, for me, requires a lot mental strength, something I seem to lack completely right now.  I just can't seem to get in the zone at all.  Instead I've been loving  aggressive, adrenalin pumping, testosterone boosting workouts. Yes I said testosterone boosting and yes I'm… Continue reading Feminist Fitness

Fitness, Realness

Pinch, Punch

I'm currently living in a building site of a bedroom, well not exactly living in it,  I've relocated to the next room until work is finished in mine.  Who knew I'd be living HERE  long enough to have to re-decorate?  Meh! We really only have ourselves to blame, we've been dipping into our house fund… Continue reading Pinch, Punch

Fitness, Realness

Fit Friday(Saturday)-Week 5 

I had a pretty hectic weekend and by hectic I mean, too many late nights and too much  alcohol. I had a family Golden Wedding party on Saturday then Kevin's final race on Sunday.  In case you are interested Kevin ended up 2nd in his championship not bad for a rookie in my opinion but… Continue reading Fit Friday(Saturday)-Week 5 

Fitness, Realness

Fit Friday -Week 2

I had great intentions of posting something non-fitness related midweek but Friday sort of snuck up on me quicker than ever this week...not that I'm complaining, It's the weekend!!! I'm really bad for not staying hydrated but Kevin's sister bought me this water bottle for the gym which I'm loving.  It's making me drink more… Continue reading Fit Friday -Week 2