


Since last weekend Kevin and I have been obsessed with the new(ish) Netflix documentary Making A Murderer.  We just finished watching the last episode tonight!!! Anything crime thriller and I love it, forensics and corrupt cops even better.  It just really pains me that this real life and not just an episode of Luther.  I really don’t know!? I think he is innocent!? He must be innocent?! Have you seen it? What are your thoughts? Let’s discuss in the comments!!!! FYI, I interrogate everyone I know that has watched it, ha!


I need some inspiration for books,  I really NEED to make time for reading.  A friend recommended that I try audible books, she says they are great for when you are pushed for time ..listening to them in the car, doing housework or when running but I’m really not sure….it took me a year to eventually use my kindle, I’m a bit of a techno-phobe! Do you LISTEN to books?

So at the moment my reading extends only to Khloe Kardashians book Strong Looks Better Naked which I got for Christmas and secretly love.

currently…on my bedside table


I’m not loving anything new right now, however according to my most played right now, I have been listening to a lot of David Bowie…for obvious reasons.


I’m not sure if I mentioned before but I am currently co-organising my little sisters hen weekend/bachelorette, we’ve come up against a few hurdles but the last few days it’s all finally coming together. It’s not until mid-March but I’m so excited as its all a surprise and I love that she doesn’t have a clue what we are doing!!


I’ve been struggling to sleep the last couple of weeks, I’ve never been a great sleeper but recently its been so much worse.  I’ve been walking around like a zombie most days and have missed more than a few of my morning excercise classes. I can’t wait for the weekend to have a lie in and catch up on lost sleep *yawns


Next Thursday I am going to a psychic medium for a reading with two of my friends.  I’m really not sure what to expect, I’m not 100% sure what my thoughts on the whole medium thing are,  but I am looking forward to it, even if it is with a little apprehension.  Have you ever had a reading? What should I expect?


I’m crazy about poached eggs at the moment, I probably eat too many of them but I seriously can’t get enough. I usually have them on  whole grain toast or ryvita crisp read but today I went for spinach and tomato.


SORE!! Before watching Making a Murderer tonight I just got back from running a 5k.  I’m doing 5k everyday in January and it’s beginning to take its toll on the old legs. (Only 3 days to go!!)  However I was also at a leg busting circuit class last night so a combo of both have me currently struggling to climb stairs.


I spied these boots in Topshop last Saturday and may have to make a cheeky purchase soon.


Right now…PJ’s! PJ’s with pugs all over them if you must know.  Sometimes I really have to remind myself that I’m thirty-freaking-two!!!

Work clothes, gym clothes and PJ’s is literally all I’ve worn for the whole of January, this month has been a continuous work.gym.sleep.repeat!

Well, with the exception of one dinner date  where I wore a black jersey dress, thick black tights and boots as it was snowing pretty heavy…oh and I cut my hair, I think I might go shorter, still?! Maybe!

Well that’s what’s currently going on over here! What’s going on with you?
Thanks for reading 💗

Have a great day 😊

Angela xo

13 thoughts on “Currently..”

  1. I LOVE your hair! Also, I thought Steven Avery was innocent based on the documentary, but then I’ve seen a bunch of evidence that wasn’t included in the documentary and now I just have no idea what I think. I feel like my gut says he’s still innocent but I’d be really interested in reading the transcription for the WHOLE case! Also, not a fan of listening to books. All my friends do it but I can’t concentrate on listening to a book. Jon and I tried it and it was just too slow for me! And before I go read more for school, I think poached eggs are disgusting. I just can’t get on board with them!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Yeah I’ve read about the documentary being bias and evidence that was left out too, I guess what gets me so much is that we’ll probably never find out what really happened!
      I used to hate poached eggs too, I never used to eat eggs much at all but now it’s my favourite way to eat them…unless cake is included I’d always choose cake 🙂


  2. I watched Making a Murder, well with the exception of the last episode because I was too angry to watch it haha. Plus, I knew that the nephew got sentenced to jail. I pretty much think that he’s innocent. People aren’t that stupid to murder someone while the county is watching them and they just got out of jail. Plus, majority of the “evidence” is inimessible, so he shouldn’t have even been on trial to begin with. If he was from a rich family this would have never happened. But the state government wouldn’t allow for the evidence to not be thrown out because the US is all about power and fear. They’re going through everything again once that documentary came out, so we’ll see what happens. If he gets out again, I would just move out of Wisconsin completely.

    I don’t like audio books, it’s not reading, it’s like watching TV but more descriptive. The only thing you may get out of it is vocabulary, but majority of the benefits that reading has, you’ll never get from audiobooks.

    Have you tried melatonin for sleeping? It’s a natural chemical that your body produces already for sleeping, so it works as a sleeping aid. It’s not a sleeping pill so it won’t make you drowsy, it will just help you sleep better and longer throughout the night. Or you can try Zzzquil that is a not habit forming sleeping pill.

    Have you tried yoga with your running? A lot of runners do yoga because it helps with the muscle aches, especially for the knees.

    I love Topshop! Unfortunately, a very limited major cities in the US has them and Boston isn’t one. I would have to go to like NYC, Chicago, or LA for it. It’s also pretty pricy for the lower quality material. But it’s super cute and so fashionable!


    1. It’s really gets all the emotions going, I can’t imagine losing 18 years of life then possibly the rest of it now too!!!
      Yeah I’m really not sold on the audio books at all!
      I do yoga once a week but as I’ve upped my running I might try doing more yoga too. And I will def look into some of those sleeping remedies! Thanks!!!


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